Sassafras Valley Ranch is a family operation. Bruce and Sunshine and their son Paul are all involved in daily management.

We grew up in Missouri on farms and worked on other operations in Missouri, but had the opportunity to live in Montana and South Dakota in order for Bruce to work on his M.S. (livestock genetics) and Ph.D. degrees (meat science). It was there that Bruce coupled the scientific secrets of raising and selecting better animals with a practical and experienced background. For these reasons, we are uniquely positioned to offer you genetics that will improve your operation.
We live on 300 acres nestled in the Ozarks of Central Missouri. Additionally, we rent ten other farms totaling 1,200 acres. We manage about 250 registered South Poll cattle, 200 hair sheep, and 45 Kiko goats. We utilize a managed intensive grazing system and are very grass-based in our approach to livestock production. We move livestock every three days or so into one of seventeen permanent pasture divisions here at our place. We use poly wire and step-in posts to divide lease pastures to increase utilization and efficiency.
Additionally, we conduct cattle, hog, sheep/goat, and poultry research trials for a Phytogenics company, Delacon USA. They are pioneer in the field of natural plant-derived extracts.

We partner with state and federal agencies on ways to prevent soil erosion, ensure clean water, and healthy pastures. We have developed water sytems, installed several miles of fence, planted clover, fertilized and limed, and practiced erosion control tactics. Rotational grazing, which is great for livestock, also builds soil nutrients and creates plant diversity. Finally, we manage our woodlands for optimal forest health, tree sustainability, and wildlife benefits. We are passionate about farming and welcome visitors anytime.